The Royal Weekly
February 13, 2023
College Rep Visits
Bring a firm handshake and a smile to meet these Admissions representatives! Stop by the Rasnick Center to learn more about these schools and how they might be a fit for you. Questions? See Mrs. Knapp or Mrs. Fridline in the Guidance Office.
- The University of South Alabama – February 7, 9:00 a.m.
- Geneva College – March 13, 12:30 p.m.
- Grace College and Seminary – March 13, 12:30 p.m.
- Colorado Christian University – March 17 during both lunch periods
Spring Break Service Trip – Apply by February 15
During Spring Break, a group of high school students and teachers will serve in our local community. (This trip was a part of CVCA life for 20 years before shutting down for COVID.) We will lodge at CVCA and then fan out each day to partner with a wide range of ministries. Our time will be spent in active and sacrificial ministry to the working poor people and people with special needs in our local communities. We will also have lots of fun!
Why serve? One of God’s distinctive calls in scripture is for Israel in Micah 6:8: “He has shown all you people what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” The diakonos organization (Greek for “servant”) is dedicated to providing CVCA students opportunities to minister to those clearly dear to God’s heart as well as to pursue personal righteousness.
Trip Dates: We will begin the week at the school at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 27, work Monday through Friday, and conclude at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 31.
Costs: The cost of $75 includes food, lodging, transportation, and possibly donations to some local ministry partners. If financial concerns are an issue, some scholarships are available.
More information and the trip application are HERE. Student applications are due by February 15.
Yearbook Photo Contest – Submit by February 20
It’s time for our 2023 Yearbook Photo Contest! Every year, the Yearbook team accepts submissions of high quality photography to be featured on the Photo Contest Spread in the CVCA Yearbook. We have a panel of esteemed judges that review all photos submitted and decide who is the best photographer in the school. All photos need to have been taken by the person who submits them, but the photos could have been taken at any time. The deadline to submit photos is February 20. Students can submit a maximum of five photos. To submit photos email them with a short caption to by Monday February 20. The contest is open to CVCA students of any grade.
CCC Parent Summit – March 4
In partnership with Christ Community Chapel in Hudson, we invite you to the CCC Parent Summit on Saturday, March 4, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is designed to equip parents with gospel-centered truths as they take on the challenges of raising their children in this culture. Each attendee will attend the general session, “Building Your Spiritual Resume,” and two break-out sessions. Get more information and REGISTER HERE.
High School Girls Discipleship/Leadership Retreat – March 10-11
Are you interested in learning what it means to be discipled and to disciple others? Girls in the School of Ministry (and any other interested high school girls) are invited to an overnight retreat to focus on studying God’s Word and learn about accountability, solitude, and reprioritizing our lives around Christ and His call.
- We will head to the Clear Fork Ridge Bed and Breakfast near Butler, Ohio at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, March 10 and return Saturday at 1:30 p.m., March 11.
- Registration opens February 14 (limited to 20 students)
- $70 registration fee
LATE START DAYS and adjusted schedules
- Late Starts: February 15, 22
- No School: February 17 and 20
Middle School Scheduling
It’s time to make scheduling decisions for the 2023-24 school year! Current 6th and 7th grade students/parents: watch for an email this week containing a Google form for scheduling. Use this form to make course requests for next year. These forms are due February 21.
Any questions about schedules for current 6th and 7th graders (including requests for meetings or phone conferences) should be directed to Mrs. Beth Marosi, Middle School Academic Advisor at 330-929-0575, ext. 375 or
Mr. Randy Tomich ( will assist current 8th graders with scheduling for 9th grade.
Changes to Middle School Tech Courses
There are exciting updates to the Middle School Technology offerings for the 2023-24 school year. We will offer two course options that prepare students for CVCA’s many high school technology offerings. Parents, please review these options with your middle school student.
Middle School Gift Card Bonanza at Royal Evening – february 24 Deadline
Middle School families are invited to contribute to the Royal Evening middle school sponsored Gift Card Bonanza by sending a gift card with their student. The Gift Card Bonanza will be a special area of the Silent Auction in which a person can pull a random gift card from the fun display for a pre-set donation. The middle school grade with the highest participation will have the honor of naming Mr. Iannetta’s new four tropical fish in his office. Thank you so much for helping make the Royal Evening a success!
- Cards can be for anywhere – a favorite place you would shop or eat would be great.
- Cards should be new, unused (back not scratched off), and should have the amount written on the back.
- Please place card(s) in an envelope with your family’s name and the student’s grade on the envelope.
- Send card(s) with your student to the Middle School Office and place in the Royal Evening box.
- The deadline to donate is Friday, February 24.
- Royal Evening Class Coordinator Sheila Swift, 8th grade mom of Mylie, would be happy to answer your questions. You can call or text her at 440-241-5948.

join the fun – volunteer for the royal evening!
Parents, it takes a mini army to put on the Royal Evening. To make it a grand success, we need you to volunteer! There are opportunities to help the week before and the day of the event on Saturday, March 11. There are also roles that allow you to help AND attend the Royal Evening. Please sign up HERE today!

Royal Evening Class Donations – February 24 Deadline
The Royal Evening has an annual tradition of showcasing grade-level class gifts as packages for the Silent Auction. These baskets are highly popular among bidding guests!
Below are Sign Up Genius links for each high school grade and the contact of each Class Gift Coordinator. Each sign up form describes specific gift baskets and packages you can contribute to. Kindly sign up for an item or two, buy them, and send them in to the Welcome Center by Friday, February 24 with a note stating Royal Evening, which grade level basket the item is for, and your name. THANK YOU in advance for making the Royal Evening a success to raise funds for student tuition assistance!
- 9th Grade Sign Up HERE. Parent Contact: Kelly Danhauer (
- 10th Grade Sign Up HERE. Parent Contacts: Jill Schwarzbeck ( and Karen Steigmeier (
- 11th Grade Sign Up HERE. Parent Contact: Kelly Cook (
- 12th Grad Sign Up HERE. Parent Contact: Julie Gorsuch (

Meet Our Bid Card Sponsor
We are thrilled to have Sequoia Financial as the official Royal Evening Bid Card Sponsor. Bid cards are given to each guest and used throughout the auction. “Sequoia Financial Group is proud to participate in the Royal Evening at CVCA. At Sequoia Financial Group, we strive to be your most trusted advisor when it comes to comprehensive financial planning and wealth management.” Learn more at Financial Group at
To learn more about Royal Evening sponsorships, contact Jennifer Meybaum at

Royal Evening Student Volunteers
Any high school students interested in volunteering for this year’s Royal Evening event on Saturday, March 11 should complete THIS FORM. If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Meybaum at

Mandatory Women's Lacrosse Meeting
All high school girls interested in playing Girls Lacrosse must attend an information meeting on Tuesday, February 14, 3:00-3:20 in Room 183. Following the meeting, Open Field will be held in the Fieldhouse from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.