Parent Resources

The 2025-2026 Academic Catalog is available HERE.Toggle Content

You can shop for uniform tops at these local and online vendors:

Kids Kloset
907 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
• Purchase in Store Only

BSN Sports
• Order Online HERE
• Shipped Only

• Order Online HERE
• House apparel can be ordered HERE
• Shipped Only

Young’s Screenprinting
• Order Online HERE
• Order Online or in Store
• Pick-up or Shipped

Parents must notify the Administration of all anticipated absences by using the School Messenger app, web portal, or phone line. when a student leaves campus for any reason, families need to use the School Messenger platform to record the reason and time or arrival or departure. Then the student must sign in or out at the Welcome Center.

  • School Messenger app or portal (to report your child late or absent)
  • School Messenger Direct Phone Line: 1-833-687-2208
Phone calls and email to the Main Office will be redirected to the School Messenger platform. 

School districts providing bus transportation to CVCA are available HERE

CVCA uses Canvas as our Learning Management System (LMS). In other words, Canvas is the digital hub of our classroom where upcoming assignments, grades, and resources are posted in one centralized, easy-to-access location.

Parents can access this information by creating an account and then linking their account to their child’s information via a pairing code. THIS VIDEO explains both the account creation process and how to generate a pairing code.

This is the website you’ll use to access Canvas once you have created an account: We recommend bookmarking the website for ease of access. Be sure not to include the “www” at the front of the address.

One of the strengths of Canvas from a parent and student perspective is that you can customize the amount of information you receive from Canvas and choose the method in which you receive that information. After you set up and login to your account, THIS VIDEO walks you through the process of customizing your notification settings.

There is a Canvas app for parents that can be downloaded to your smartphone (iOS or Android). You will have to search for “Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy” when you first access the app.

If you have questions about Canvas or need assistance after watching the videos, feel free to send an email to

A pdf version of the College Planning Handbook is available HERE. It is updated each school year.

CVCA has a Continuous Enrollment Policy for all students. Continuous Enrollment means that once a student is enrolled, it is assumed the student will continue attending CVCA until graduation unless the school is informed otherwise. 

Before School – Students may arrive at school as early as 7:15 a.m. Students arriving between 7:15 and 7:30 a.m. should enter at the Royals Fieldhouse entrance. No other doors will be open before 7:30 a.m. If possible, students should arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. and proceed directly to their first class of the day. All entrances will be open to students at 7:30 a.m. (Drop-off information for Late-Start Wednesdays to come.)

After School – For the safety of all students, it is critical that families pick up students as close to the 2:50 dismissal time as possible. If a student does not have an extracurricular practice, club meeting, or rehearsal, they are asked to leave campus. For thorough cleaning to occur every afternoon, the building must be clear of students by 3:05 p.m. Between 2:50 and 3:05 p.m., students are encouraged to transition to their after-school practice or leave campus. General supervision will not be provided after 2:50 p.m. Students involved in athletics, fine arts, and other after-school activities are under the supervision of coaches, sponsors, etc.

Our Health Clinic nurses are Kendall Hudson, RN; Erin Aldridge, RN; and Patty Rood, RN. At the start of each new school year, our nurses request that you notify them via email with the following information:

  1. Please send up-to-date immunization records, especially for new students, incoming 7th graders, and incoming 12th graders. Immunization requirements are available HERE.
  2. Anyone providing an immunization exemption form must complete a new form for the current school year. These forms are available by request. Please email the health clinic.
  3. Please make sure we have updated information for students with: allergies requiring an action plan and/or use of an Epipen/Auvi-Q, diabetes, or asthma.

Lastly, please access your Family Portal (Renweb) account and ensure you have provided Consent to Treat under your student’s medical tab as well as consent to administer stocked over-the-counter medications, including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, and Benadryl. The team cannot treat your child without this consent in Renweb.

CVCA’s Health Clinic office hours are Monday- Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Heatlh Clinic can be reached by phone at 330-929-0575, ext. 216 or by email at

Health Clinic Forms:

To request a scheduled late arrival or early dismissal, please complete THIS FORM.

CVCA has a web-based Library Management System (available HERE) with access to research sites, eBooks, numerous databases, teacher resources, the library catalog and more. If you find a book in the catalog you want to check out, you may come to the Learning Commons to check it out. If you wish to request/reserve a book from the library’s website, you will have to log in.

From the library’s home page, click “Login.” Enter your “CVCA email” in the Username/User ID box (no password is required). If you find a book you want to check out, click “Request” and then “Submit Request.” You will receive an email telling you when the book is available for pick up in the Learning Commons.

The Learning Commons is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. each school day.

Learn about our weekly menus and web-based payment system HERE. Cash or lunch account are both welcome.

Menus: March 17, March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28

All student drivers are required to register their car with the school. Permits are available HERE.

Pertinent information for seniors is available HERE

You will log in to your Final Forms account and select the sports your son/daughter plans to participate in next school year. Please double-check your information to make sure it is current, especially the student’s medical history and contact information.

Are you new to Final Forms? You can create an account HERE.

Questions? Contact Ben Miller at

The investment in a CVCA education will yield benefits well beyond high school. Our students graduate well prepared academically, spiritually, and socially for college and beyond. 

Although many may think that a private, college-prep, Christian education would be out of reach, it is actually quite affordable. For those who might need help with this important investment, we offer generous tuition assistance and a feasible scaled tuition plan. Learn more HERE.

A student’s UDID number can be accessed through Family Portal, following these steps:

1. Log in to your Family Portal account.
2. Click on “Family” in the blue sidebar
3. Scroll down that page until you see the “Online Filing Cabinet”
4. Click on “CVCA Student Demographics”
5. The UDID is the first number at the top of the Student Demographic Form.

Students should print and complete THIS Minor Work Permit then drop it off in the Guidance Office. Students who have not played a CVCA sport in the previous school year will need a Physician Certificate signed by their physician.