We love and appreciate you!
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you, our grandparents, that we love you and appreciate you. Here’s this month’s newsletter, with love from CVCA!
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (The Message)

Faith, Love, and Family
Grandparents, you have a pivotal role in nurturing your grandchild’s faith through your example. These verses from 1 Corinthians help put some flesh on what it means to love others in one’s daily life. Your example of love to your grandchildren in these very practical ways makes a long-lasting impression. It may be hard to do it well all the time, but we know we have the Holy Spirit to help us. Thank you for all the ways you show and give love to your grandchildren!
Love in Action
CVCA encourages its students to participate in opportunities that include service, faith, and love. One such Jterm trip included a project that allowed students to live out their faith in another country. Coordinated by Spanish teacher Gabby Hutt, a native Chilean, and her family in Chile, twelve CVCA students traveled to the town of Quillota near the Chilean coast to be part of the Quillota Baptist Church Vacation Bible School in a low-income area of the city.
The students and leaders prepared and decorated the community center for VBS. Then, the students invited children from the streets, led Bible lessons, and served in other responsibilities. Not only did the students advance their Spanish skills, but they were also encouraged by the relationships formed with the children and adults in Quillota.
The Lord revealed His love and character to our team through time of service and worship. This trip gave the CVCA students a wonderful opportunity to experience God’s grace in a foreign country. It also helped them develop a cultural knowledge of Chile and form new friendships with young believers in the church there.

Love in Action
CVCA encourages its students to participate in opportunities that include service, faith, and love. One such Jterm trip included a project that allowed students to live out their faith in another country. Coordinated by Spanish teacher Gabby Hutt, a native Chilean, and her family in Chile, twelve CVCA students traveled to the town of Quillota near the Chilean coast to be part of the Quillota Baptist Church Vacation Bible School in a low-income area of the city.
The students and leaders prepared and decorated the community center for VBS. Then, the students invited children from the streets, led Bible lessons, and served in other responsibilities. Not only did the students advance their Spanish skills, but they were also encouraged by the relationships formed with the children and adults in Quillota.
The Lord revealed His love and character to our team through time of service and worship. This trip gave the CVCA students a wonderful opportunity to experience God’s grace in a foreign country. It also helped them develop a cultural knowledge of Chile and form new friendships with young believers in the church there.

CVCA Choir and Handbells on Tour!
CVCA’s very talented members of the high school choirs and the Royal Ringers handbell choir will be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of February. This performance and educational tour is offered to students every other year. The musical groups are scheduled to perform for an elementary school in Franklin and at a nursing home. They will also participate in clinic sessions at Trivecca Nazarene College and at Belmont University, where the students will meet with professionals in the Broadway and Christian music industry to explore careers in those areas. The students will also tour the city of Nashville, with stops at the Ryman Auditorium, the Country Music Hall of Fame, and the Grand Ole Opry.
Books by CVCA Alumni
Do you enjoy reading or just like to cozy up with a book during the winter months?
If so, then you might be interested in checking out these books written by CVCA alumni!

Dr. Jason Kolb ’92, recently released his book, Down the Mountain: Skiing, Suffering, and Sufficient Grace. After a catastrophic ski accident left him permanently paralyzed from the waist down, Jason not only had to re-learn basic tasks, but also had to wrestle with harder questions: Why do bad things happen? If God is good, why does He allow suffering? And how does one cope with suffering, which in one way or another visits us all? With anecdotes, humor, and stories from the Bible, Jason tells the story of his accident and recovery while tackling these questions and more. Ultimately, Jason believes that on the other side of suffering, there is joy; on the other side of fear, there is freedom; and that only God offers sufficient grace to understand and cope with our pain.

Dr. Alex Sosler ’08, has written a book that has received the Christianity Today 2025 Book Award for Christian Living/Spiritual Formation. A Short Guide to Spiritual Formation: Finding Life in Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Community weaves church history, theology, and spiritual disciplines to encourage spiritual formation.
Alex Sosler is an assistant professor of Bible and ministry at Montreat College.
“With so many distractions in life, we must be deliberate in our search for God, and Sosler’s book gives masterful guidance.” – Christianity Today

Dr. Thomas Breimaier ’02, has written Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon. Exploring Spurgeon’s Sermons. Dr. Breimaier shows how Charles Spurgeon read Scripture through the lens of the cross, which incited his passion for preaching as well as influencing his world.
Tom Breimaier lectures in systematic theology and history at Spurgeon’s College in London. He has his PhD from the University of Edinburgh.
CVCA’s Royal Evening will be here soon!
There is still time to get tickets to attend the 26th Annual Royal Evening Gala on March 8th at the Royals Fieldhouse from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. We would love to have you at the biggest in-person, all-CVCA community event of the school year. Join us for appetizers, a plated dinner, desserts, a silent auction, and a live auction. You’ll learn more about Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy, and you’ll experience how much fun you can have while giving.

Remember, when filing your state taxes by April 15th, you can direct the state to give a portion of your tax liability to Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy. This is a newer, wonderful way to support your grandchild’s school. A win-win opportunity at no cost to you! Use the button below to learn more, or email John Harabedian in the Development Office if you have questions
Remember, when filing your state taxes by April 15th, you can direct the state to give a portion of your tax liability to Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy. This is a newer, wonderful way to support your grandchild’s school. A win-win opportunity at no cost to you! Use the button below to learn more, or email John Harabedian in the Development Office if you have questions