DR Trip Updates

MAY 29, 2024:

Dear DR Trip Parents and Supporters,

Thank you so much for all your prayers during our travels. We have arrived safely in the Dominican Republic.

The DR Leadership Team

MAY 30, 2024:

Dear DR Trip Parents and Supporters,

The students are doing well. We had our first day in the villages and are looking forward to celebrating Christ at two different churches this evening. We would value your prayers over the next week. Please pray that we would make an impact for Christ, and that students would come to understand the Gospel more deeply as they are challenged to walk with Jesus!  

The DR Leadership Team

June 2, 2024:

Dear DR Trip Parents and Supporters,

Thanks for your continued prayers and support. We have had the wonderful opportunity to serve and spend the last three days working in the villages. God has used this time as we have served in a variety of ways: medical clinics, construction, painting, sharing Bible stories, prayer and evangelism walks, crafts, impromptu baseball and basketball games, singing with the children in each village, and simply playing and laughing with the children in each location. It has been so encouraging to see our group serving in these ways.

Our evenings have been filled with attending local church services. Students and some of our staff have been able to share testimonies and lead in singing with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The group spent this weekend gathering for worship and prayer, which will lead to a time of solitude on Sunday evening. We covet your prayers for that time as they spend time silently with the Lord.

We are grateful for your overwhelming support and prayers back home. God is at work, and we would covet your continued prayers for the days ahead.

The DR Leadership Team

June 5, 2024:

Dear DR Trip Parents and Supporters,

Thank you for your continued prayers. We have been so blessed to see God at work over the last few days. He is moving, and it has been encouraging to see Him work in our team. 

On Sunday evening, our students spent personal time with the Lord in silent solitude. Our leaders were able to connect with each student and pray with them as they processed that time with the Lord. Many of you sent prayers, and they were a great encouragement to the students. Thank you! Please be praying for God to continue to move in their lives.

On Monday, we visited several villages to continue serving and sharing the Gospel with the Dominican people. On Tuesday, we visited a village and passed along some gifts (food and clothing) to encourage them and share the Gospel as we finished the last day of serving with Meeting God in Missions.

We have been so proud of your sons and daughters this week. They have served selflessly and have been quick to encourage their peers to chase after Christ. It was a joy to hear them share last night all that God has done in their lives this week. Our team is excited to share with you all that God has done as a result of this trip. Please pray that the fruit of this trip will be long-lasting.

As a reminder, we will leave the Dominican Republic on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. We plan to arrive back at CVCA very early on Thursday morning. 

  • If your student is in travel group one, please plan to meet us at the school at 12:15 a.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024. 
  • If your student is in travel group two, please plan to meet us at the school at 1:10 a.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024. 

Please Note: When we arrive, the school’s parking lot may be dark. Students are asked to drop their items off in your car, or if you have a bag for them, that is great. They are then asked to return their DR bag to the bus before heading home. We will not be able to enter the building when we arrive. 

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

The DR Leadership Team