Academic Resources

The 2025-2026 Academic Catalog is available HERE.

The Office of Academic Success and Instructional Services (OASIS) is available for students needing assistance in study and organizational skills. Students are assigned to OASIS by the Guidance Office based on previous school records, entrance testing, quarter grades, and teacher recommendations. If a student or parent believes that OASIS services would be beneficial, they are encouraged to contact the Director of OASIS to discuss. Information about the OASIS services and team is available HERE.

2024-2025 TEST DATES

ACT Test Prep Classes at CVCA: ACT test preparation is available at CVCA through our test prep partner, PATHworks! Students attend all three classes on October 15, 16, 17 or February 25, 26, 27 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Sessions include:

  • First Class: Full practice test and score with feedback
  • Second Class: GROUNDWork, English, and Math sections
  • Third Class: Action Planning, Reading, and Science sections

The cost is $355 for all three classes. Register HERE. Questions may be directed to the class instructor, Patricia Smoot-Wicks, at or 330-861-4973.

CVCA uses Canvas as our Learning Management System (LMS). In other words, Canvas is the digital hub of our classroom where upcoming assignments, grades, and resources are posted in one centralized, easy-to-access location.

Parents can access this information by creating an account and then linking their account to their child’s information via a pairing code. THIS VIDEO explains both the account creation process and how to generate a pairing code.

This is the website you’ll use to access Canvas once you have created an account: We recommend bookmarking the website for ease of access. Be sure not to include the “www” at the front of the address.

One of the strengths of Canvas from a parent and student perspective is that you can customize the amount of information you receive from Canvas and choose the method in which you receive that information. After you set up and login to your account, THIS VIDEO walks you through the process of customizing your notification settings.

There is a Canvas app for parents that can be downloaded to your smartphone (iOS or Android). You will have to search for “Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy” when you first access the app.

If you have questions about Canvas or need assistance after watching the videos, feel free to send an email to

  1. Families will receive an email when class schedules have been posted. Once logged in to Family Portal… click on “Student Information”… “Schedules”… then click on your student’s name.  Please bring a copy of your schedule on your first day of school. If you have trouble registering or logging into Family Portal, contact Please contact the Tech Office at
  2. Please review your schedule and the CVCA Academic Catalog to make sure all required academic subjects for your grade level are listed. Students who have eight classes and no study halls may want to consider dropping a class for a study hall, especially any student who might struggle a bit academically.
  3. Once schedules are released, any class change request must be verified by a parent via a written note, email, or phone call. Class change request forms are also available in the Guidance Office.
  4. Students can drop or add classes until the 5th day of each semester. We will not make any schedule adjustments for teacher preferences, study hall times, lunch period preferences, or any other changes not strictly necessary.
  5. PRT (Personal Responsibility Time) is a study hall for high school students who do not have a status of academic watch, warning, or probation. PRT gives students a choice to go to a quiet study hall in the Cafeteria or the Learning Commons.
  6. Please call or email the Guidance Department if you have any questions:
  • There are several ways for students to gain college credit while at CVCA. More information is available HERE
  • Procedures for students who wish to take CL Dual Credit Courses during the 2022-2023 are available HERE
  • Information on 2022-2023 State Funding for CL Dual Credit Courses is available HERE

Students who wish to appeal to register for a course should complete this Course Appeal Form.

CVCA has a web-based Library Management System (available HERE) with access to research sites, eBooks, numerous databases, teacher resources, the library catalog and more. If you find a book in the catalog you want to check out, you may come to the Learning Commons to check it out. If you wish to request/reserve a book from the library’s website, you will have to log in.

From the library’s home page, click “Login.” Enter your “CVCA email” in the Username/User ID box (no password is required). If you find a book you want to check out, click “Request” and then “Submit Request.” You will receive an email telling you when the book is available for pick up in the Learning Commons.

The Learning Commons is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. each school day.

View the 2024-2025 School Supply Lists HERE.

The Schools of Distinction include speciality tracks in the Arts & Humanities, Business, Engineering, Medicine, and Ministry within our comprehensive college-prep program. There is a $300 School of Distinction fee.

View the 2024 Summer Assignment Lists HERE.

Summer Health Course for Grades 9-11
This summer, CVCA will offer a Health course for grades 9-11. The co-ed course will be taught on campus by CVCA Health instructor Mrs. Brandy Tepley from July 7 to July 25. There is a $500 fee for this summer course, which, like our fall and spring Health courses, meets Ohio’s graduation requirement for a half credit of Health instruction. If interested, more information is available in this informational flyer. Register HERE.