Matt Koons
Associate Head of School
B.A. Moody Bible Institute
M.A. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D. Tennessee Temple University
Joined CVCA Faculty/Staff in 2000

More About Matt Koons

Years ago, a staff member described CVCA as unassuming. I deeply appreciate this particular description because it is not about us. So, writing this blurb is slightly uncomfortable (akin to showing someone my baby pictures). That said, I love serving at CVCA. It is truly a remarkable place because God is at work, and we have many reasons to be thankful. In His grace, He has blessed the school for His own Glory as we Educate and Cultivate Servants for Christ. He is indeed preeminent in the mission of the school! As an alum, God used my experience at CVCA to be both educationally and spiritually formative. Whatever I am today is largely because of the teachers and coaches who cared about me and helped me more fully understand the good news of the gospel. Middle and high school are significantly formative times in the lives of adolescents when parents’ voices get quieter, and other voices tend to get louder. Therefore, serving at CVCA is a remarkable privilege; the best part of my day is teaching Senior Bible class (college-level Apologetics). It is a delight to be with students and in the trenches with colleagues.